Step-by-step guide: How to video call your family

If you are self-isolating at home, video-chatting can help you stay in touch with your friends and family.

This guide will show you how to make a video call using a smartphone, or receive one using your desktop computer - or help you explain how to do so to others.

How to video call with an Android phone
If your phone is made by OnePlus, Google, Honor, Huawei, LG, Samsung or Sony, it is an Android phone. Several other companies make Android phones too.

There are plenty of free apps you can use to make video calls including Google Duo, Facebook Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp and Zoom.

This guide will show you how to make a video call using WhatsApp.

To video call a friend using WhatsApp, they will need to have installed the app too - and you will need to add their phone number to your smartphone's address book.

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How to video call with an iPhone, iPad or Mac
If you have an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer, you can video call a friend using FaceTime.

The app comes pre-installed on all of these devices. However, it only works on Apple devices, so your friend or relative must be using an iPhone, iPad or Mac too.